About Us

Corporate Responsibility

Toppan Photomasks, Inc. (TPI) manages all of its businesses to the highest levels of social responsibility. Our policies and processes are designed to ensure that our operations remain in compliance with laws and regulations in every country in which we operate. We measure our performance against internationally accepted standards of social responsibility, including ISO9001, ISO14001 and the RBA Code of Conduct. We continuously improve management practices within and upon these standards of performance.


We respect the right of all employees to freely choose their employment and to freely interact with one another. Every employee in our company has the right to work in a clean, safe environment free from any form of unlawful discrimination or harsh or inhumane treatment. We maintain standard, competitive compensation and working hours practices consistent with the best practices of each labor market in which we operate and in conformance with legal and statutory requirements.

Health & Safety

TPI recognizes that safe and healthy work environments are essential to the morale of our employees and their ability to consistently produce high quality products and services. We regularly audit our facilities to identify and eliminate hazardous materials and potentially dangerous situations. Where environmental hazards and physically demanding work cannot be eliminated, employees are provided with protective equipment, specialized training and work aids to allow them to perform this work with minimal risk to themselves and other employees. Performance in these areas is reviewed monthly at the company level.


We comply with all environmental permit and reporting requirements in all of our manufacturing facilities. We have global and local programs dedicated to waste reduction and elimination. We regularly work with customers and vendors to identify environmentally sound solutions to business problems.

Conflict Minerals

We do not knowingly use materials containing any substance derived from the efforts of armed groups that are perpetrators of serious human rights violations in any country in the world. This specifically includes activities in the Democratic Republic of the Congo that produce materials known as "conflict minerals" or any other material produced using any form of forced or coerced labor. We periodically undertake survey efforts to ascertain the source of new or recycled minerals and metals to ensure compliance with this policy.


Toppan Photomasks employees are held to the highest standards of ethical behavior. We do not support or condone bribery or any other business practice that might create an improper advantage. We report all financial and business performance information accurately and in full accord with all applicable local and international laws, regulations and industry practices. We protect the storage, processing and sharing of the personal information of our employees and the trade secrets of our customers.

TPI informs all employees of its expectations regarding corporate social responsibility, measures compliance at least annually, and encourages employee participation in programs supporting it. All employees are encouraged to identify events or behaviors that do not meet our standards, and we provide multiple methods, including anonymous means, for doing so with EthicsPoint. We protect any employee raising a concern about our actions from any form of retribution. We encourage our vendors to adopt the same expectations for their own organizations.

Disclosure under the California Transparency in Supply Chains Act of 2010

Effective January 1, 2012, the California Transparency in Supply Chains Act of 2010 requires retailers and manufacturers doing business in California to disclose efforts to eradicate slavery and human trafficking from its direct supply chain. The following is Toppan Photomasks, Inc.'s required disclosure under the Act.

As stated in its Code of Business Conduct and Ethics, Toppan Photomasks is committed to conducting business in accordance with the highest ethical and legal standards. Toppan Photomasks expects that its suppliers will conduct their business not only in a lawful manner but also in compliance with the same high standards of integrity and ethics that apply to Toppan Photomasks. At this point, Toppan Photomasks does not engage in independent verification of product supply chains to evaluate or address the risks of human trafficking and slavery, audit suppliers to evaluate compliance with our standards for human trafficking and slavery in supply chains, nor require suppliers to certify that the materials incorporated into their products comply with laws regarding human trafficking and slavery. Toppan Photomasks maintains internal accountability standards and procedures applicable to both employees and contractors who may fail to meet company standards, and requires its employees to annually certify compliance with our code of ethics, but does not provide separate standards, procedures or training regarding human trafficking and slavery.